klipper Macros

klipper Macro examples

Due to the organic and idiomatic nature of klipper, there is no standard method to deploy and retract a probe. Therefore, we offer a basic set of macros which serve as a framework for users to customize. The following macros are fundamental and will hopefully get one printing upon commissioning.

User contributed macros for various printers and configurations are shared in the klipper folder as well. These are offered as a convenience only and are thus unsupported. We have attempted to name them so that the printer is in the filename.

The main example given is for a fixed dock (X, Y, Z constant), with a Z endstop, with a few example macros.

If a series of probing commands is desired, then it is recommended that and M401 and M402 pair bracket the sequence of gcodes. See the macro examples BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_ORIGINAL and HOME_LVL_MESH macros for recommendations.

#  __________________________________________________________________________
#  |                                                                        |
#  |                                                                        |
#  |                                                                        |
#  |                                                                        |
#  |                                                                        |
#  |                                                                        |
#  |                                                                        |
#  |                                                                        |
#  |                                                                        |
#  |                                                                        |
#  |                                * Probe Ready Position                  |
#  |                                  X150 Y150                             |
#  |                                                                        |
#  |                                                                        |
#  | * Dock Re-entry staging  position                                      |
#  |   X0 Y70                                                               |
#  |                                                                        |
#  |                                                                        |
#  | * Dock Exit Position                                                   | 
#  |   X0 Y40                                                               |
#  |                                                                        |
#  |                                                                        |
#  |                                                                        |
#  |                                                                        |
#  |                                                                        |
#  |   X0 Y0    X30 Y0       X100 Y0                                        |
#  | * Dock   * Dock Side  * Dock Preflight                                 |
#  |________________________________________________________________________| 
# Above is example 300x300 bed to coorelate with macros and movements below.
# This example is for a fixed dock, fixed gantry/carraige and moving bed motion system. 
# RailCore, Ender5, V-Core3, etc...
# For moving gantry sytem like Voron 2.4, there are some subltle things to change.
# We have attempetd indicate those in the comments throughout the example code.   
# Z elevation is shown in movements to ensure adequate Z elevation to avoid crashes. 
# With the coupling magnets +/- 2mm of the nozzle the probe trigger height is on the
# ordeer of 12mm, so 15mm is used as a safe height.
# the printer.cfg-snip.txt has the following config settings 
# # 
# #...
# # ad this include statement at the head of the config file
# [include euclid.cfg]
# #
# #
# # enable enable_force_move to enable FORCE_MOVE and SET_KINEMATIC_POSIITION
# enable_force_move:true
# # ...
# It is assumed that there is a seperate Z-endstop that is used to home Z
# IF YOU ARE USING PROBE AS ENDSTOP AND PROBE homing_overide must be altered
# some configurtions may need FORCE_MOVE enabled for kinematic position functionS
# https://www.klipper3d.org/Config_Reference.html?h=force_move#force_move
# Movement Locations:
#    Users need to identify these locations and customize for their deployment: 
#       Pre-flight position X100 Y20 located to ensure clear travel path to dock
#       Dock Adjacent position X30 Y0 to provide short lateral travel for pickup and swipe off
#       Probe pickup over dock X0 Y0
#       Dock exit Position X0 Y40
#       Probe Ready Position X150 Y0 center of bed
# the above list of coordiantes get used in the movement macros below

##    Euclid Probe
pin: ^PA0                    ; use pin PA0 and enable internal pullup resistor as this is an NC switch  use ! to invert if needed
x_offset: 2.0                ; probe is offset 2.0mm from nozzle
y_offset: 25.0               ; probe is +25mm from nozzle in Y direction
z_offset: 11.35              ; trigger point is 9.5mm below nozzle. larger numbers move effective Z0 CLOSER to the nozzle
speed: 5                     ; probing speed of 5mm/second ideal is <10mm/sec  
samples: 2                   ; number of probes to perform per sample
samples_result: average      ; normalization method: see config reference
sample_retract_dist: 3.0
samples_tolerance: 0.0075
samples_tolerance_retries: 3

# example homing overide to use Euclid as an endstop and Z-probe
# example assumes that the bed is 300x300
# assumes homing Z at center of bed
# assumes that macro for probe deploy and retract below are called M401 and M402
 G0 Z15 F500           ; raise bed to 15
 G28 X Y               ; home Y & Y
 M401                  ; deploy Euclid Probe
 G0 X150 Y150 F6000    ; move to X150 Y150
 G28 Z                 ; home Z
 G0 Z15 F500           ; raise bed to 15
 M402                  ; retract Euclid Probe
axes: z
set_position_z: -5

# Macro to Deploy Bed Probe
[gcode_macro M401]
    {action_respond_info("Entering M401")}
    error_if_probe_deployed    ; check to make sure that the probe is not already attached

[gcode_macro error_if_probe_deployed]
    QUERY_PROBE                 ; check probe status
    do_error_if_probe_deployed  ; logic check to verify probe is not already deployed

[gcode_macro do_error_if_probe_deployed]
    {% if not printer.probe.last_query %}
      {action_raise_error("Euclid Probe is already deployed - Remove and Return it to the dock")}
    {% endif %}

# Macro to Deploy Bed Probe
[gcode_macro _M401]
    {% if printer.probe.last_query %} 
      G0 Z15 F3000         ;  set approach elevation of Z15 to clear probe over bed on fixed gantry machine
      #                       for moving gantry machine this may need to be adjusted
      G0 X100 Y0          ;  move the carraige to safe position to move from
      G0 X30 Y0            ;  move to the side of the dock
      G4 P250              ;  wait 1/4 second 
      G0 X0 Y0             ;  move sideways over the dock to pick up probe
      M400                 ;  wait for moves to finish
      G4 P250              ;  pause 1/4 sec for detection
      G0 X0 Y40            ;  move out of the dock in a straight line 
      G0 Z15               ;  move up to clear the probe over the bed of moving gantry or provide clearance for fixed gantry
      G0 X150 Y150         ;  move probe to center of bed in ready position 
    {% endif %}
    {action_respond_info("Exiting M401")}

[gcode_macro error_if_probe_not_deployed]

[gcode_macro do_error_if_probe_not_deployed]
    {% if printer.probe.last_query %}
      {action_raise_error("Euclid Probe failed to deploy!")}
    {% endif %}

# Macro to retract Bed Probe
[gcode_macro M402]
    {action_respond_info("Entering M402")}

# Macro to Stow Bed Leveling Probe
[gcode_macro _M402]
    {% if not printer.probe.last_query %} ; the logic on this needs function check
      G0 Z15 F2400                  ;  set approach elevation of Z15 for fixed gantry system to clear probe over bed
      #                             ;  for moving gantry system this may have to be altered to match your dock elevation
      G0 X150 Y150 F3000            ;  start movements at center of the bed 
      G0 X0 Y70 F3000               ;  move to the re-entry staging position
      G0 X0 Y40 F3000               ;  move to a position in front of the dock so simple linear movement into dock 
      G0 X0 Y0 F240                 ;  slowly move into dock 
      M400                          ;  wait for moves to finish
      G4 P250                       ;  forced pause here so motion is definite 90 tavel to swipe
      G0 X30 Y0 F6000               ;  quick swipe off 
      G0 X150 Y0                    ;  move to front center of bed                   
      G0 Z20 F500                   ;  move up to elevation of Z20
    {% endif %}                     ;  exit the if-then loop. was missing in previous versions
    error_if_probe_deployed         ;  verify that the probe is detached. is corrected error  
    {action_respond_info("Exiting M402")}

# Macro to perform a bed mesh calibration by wrapping it between M401/M402 macros
[gcode_macro BED_MESH_CALIBRATE]
  M401                           ; deploy Euclid Probe if needed
  BED_MESH_CALIBRATE_ORIGINAL    ; check bed level
  M402                           ; dock Euclid Probe

# Macro to perform a modified z_tilt  by wrapping it between M401/M402 macros
[gcode_macro QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL]
rename_existing:    QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL_ORIGINAL
  M401                           ; deploy Euclid Probe if needed
  _QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL_ORIGINAL         ; check bed level
  M402                           ; dock Euclid Probe

[gcode_macro HOME_LVL_MESH]
  G0 Z15 F500           ; raise bed to 15
  G28 X Y               ; home Y & Y
  M401                  ; deploy Euclid Probe
  G0 X150 Y150 F6000    ; move to center of be @ X150 Y150
  G28 Z                 ; home Z
  G28 Z                 ; home Z
  G0 Z15 F500           ; raise bed to 15
  M402                  ; retract Euclid Probe
