Euclid Wiring to Duet3 Hardware

Duet3 6HC Mainboard Commissioning

Duet3 mainboard can use either the standard 5V or 24V Euclid models. Wire Euclid Probe to the Probe port any open endstop connector.

Duet3 Mainboard Wiring Diagram
Duet3 Mainboard Wiring as Picture

Duet3 3HC Expansions Board

At this time, we do not recommend connecting Euclid to any I/O inputs on the 3HC expansion. There was limitation early in the development of RRF3 with motors and probes/endstops being on different boards. We have not verified that the limitation of motors and endstops/probes being on different boards have been resolved.

Duet3 Toolboard Commissioning

Duet3 mainboard and toolboards can use either the standard 5V or 24V Euclid models. Wire Euclid Probe to the Probe port any open endstop connector.

Duet3 LC1 Toolboard Wiring Diagram
Duet3 LC1 Toolboard Wiring as Picture
Tags: wiring Duet3